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New Cairo recent comments:

  • 8, Ahmed (guest) wrote 4 years ago:
    No. 8 Very good location Apartments
  • 8, Ahmed (guest) wrote 4 years ago:
    Very good location Apartments
  • Block (H), MohamedHabib wrote 5 years ago:
    Mohamed,Amr & Haitham Habib
  • 26, Amr (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
    not 25 it is 26
  • Forsan Compound 31, Mohamed Arafa (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
    مشروع جمعية درع مصر كومبوند شقق سابقة الاعمال قرية امون بالساحل الشمالى
  • Building 13, mohamed_aly wrote 5 years ago:
    عمارة 13 شقه 9 منزل م/ محمد علي سلامه
  • mini compound Primavera, memar Group (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
  • P6 A6, Shabaan Alhamzaawy wrote 5 years ago:
    Good good
  • 215, sayed (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
  • Diplomats, 01097333370 (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
    شقة للايجار كمبوند الدبلوماسيين التجمع الخامس 01097333370
  • Banafsij 1, mahmoud_238 wrote 5 years ago:
    My Home
  • NASA building 10G, (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
    Palace nasa
  • West Arabella, 133, MahmoudAyad wrote 5 years ago:
    Adding the area anme
  • The Address Investments, ahmedemadhamdy wrote 5 years ago:
    Real Leading Company at real estate market
  • 472, Nehad Keshta (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
    Nehad Keshta
  • قطعة 42 معالم جروب . الأندلس الجديدة - تم التسليم, عبد الله انور (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
    مش دي بتاعت رخاء
  • قطعة 52 - معالم جروب - الأندلس الجديدة - تم التسليم, عبد الله انور (guest) wrote 5 years ago:
    هي دي مش بتاعت رخاء
  • Central Bank of Egypt, Ashraf Khairy wrote 5 years ago:
    البنك المركزي المصري
  • La Mirada, salma tarek (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    prices starting from 11400 up to 14000 Egyptian Pound per meter
  • High Land Park, Wahb (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    12 feddan including 3 swimming pools and lake with waves consists of 30 buildings